Friday, September 01, 2006

Bench Show Results

(August 20)
We had some good results from our entries in the two bench shows. I think I won about $84 in total between the two. My daughters made about $20 between them. The second bench show had more prize money than the first ($5 for first, $3 for 2nd, $2 for 3rd versus $3,$2 & $1) so it added up to more.

One thing we noticed yesterday is that the attendance and participation, especially in our local show, was quite sparse. It had partly to do with other factors (a busy weekend in the community and they didn't do it last year) but it still was less. I think some of the reason is that these shows highlight skills that aren't being used very much any more. How many people bake or can, or have gardens? Or sew or knit?There were quite a few photograph entries but on the whole, the handicrafts were not represented very well. Part of it is timing - I know that I was hard put to come up with some projects that I had completed this year but overall, it seems as though some of these skills are being lost in our culture. It's sad to see, I think.

It was a fun experience and we'll try to do it again next year. If I'm a little more prepared, the younger kids would also like to be more involved.

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