Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful today for all the good books and resources that are available now. Here's some that have been particularly helpful lately:

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by John Piper - this is a collection of messages from the 2005 Desiring God Conference.
Spurgeon's Morning and Evening
Streams in the Desert
Homeward Bound - a friend lent me this book. I've found it very interesting and very helpful too. Here's the blurb from the back:
“Few things more attractively display and persuasively commend the glory of God in the life of a Christian than a Christ-centered marriage and a Christ-centered family… one that would cause the watching world to sit up and take notice.” So writes Ed Hartman as he contemplates the news that his young wife is probably suffering from a brain tumor.

It was a wake-up call to raise his family with a more eternal perspective.

When my friend lent it to me, she didn't realize the background to the book. But God in His providence knew that this was a book for me to read right now, especially the beginning chapters about God's providence.

Come Weary Saints
The Valley of Vision - both CDs from Sovereign Grace Music
Psalm 42 Message by CJ Mahaney - Speaking to yourself
I haven't listened to this for a while but I have often thought of the main idea from the message. Instead of letting our minds get on the "hamster wheel" of the same thoughts we always have and listening to ourselves, speak God's word to yourself and see what a difference it makes in your life.

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